コロナの症状を訴える日本語を練習しよう!命(いのち)を守(まも)ための日本語(にほんご)プロジェクト                                                                                                Japanese for Protecting Your Life Project              


Some foreigners who are infected with coronaviruses are receiving home medical treatment. You need to call the health center in Japanese by yourself when you feel sick suddenly during the home medical treatment. In this project, you can learn how to say in Japanese in such cases.



A team of Japanese language teachers and CINGA's translation team worked together to produce a video that introduces the Japanese language for communicating symptoms of COVID19 when talking to the hospital or health center personnel, or when calling an ambulance.


Japanese for Protecting Your Life (Movie)          Produced by CINGA  
You can watch this movie from this link on YouTube.


厚生労働省こうせいろうどうしょう発表はっぴょうした「コロナ(COVID19)にかかったとき緊急性きんきゅうせいたか症状しょうじょうのリスト」を英語えいご中国語ちゅうごくご、ネパール、ベトナム、スペイン翻訳ほんやくしました。  作成さくせい:CINGA

We have translated the "Highly Urgent Symptoms of Corona (COVID19)" published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare into English, Chinese, Nepali, Vietnamese, and Spanish.

Multilingual Lists for Urgent Coronavirus Symptoms        Produced by CINGA
You can download the list from here.

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: CINGA多言語_リスト-707x1000.png